Your hall needs you!
There are two ways you can help keep the hub of our community going

​​​The hall doesn't get any financial help towards its running costs, so relies on income from groups and individuals hiring the hall. The trustees keep hire costs as low as possible to make the hall available to our community.
Like all homes and businesses the running costs for heating, lighting, water and other essential services are spiralling and we are finding it increasingly difficult to meet the maintenance costs of this old, failing building on top of the day to day bills.
So, it now needs donations to keep our community hub going
Can you help? A regular donation of any size, especially if it's GiftAided, would be an enormous help, as would any one-off donation. You can also support us by playing Potto Lotto - a weekly prize draw with half of your stake coming directly to us! Click here to play.
To make a donation please email the trustees: villagehallpenkhull@gmail.com
or ring 07926 880370 - leave a message
and one of the trustees will call you back.
Research shows that volunteering makes us happier.
Can we help to make you happier?
There is a dedicated but very small group of people currently volunteering and more are needed. There's a range of ways to get involved and you can choose when and for how long you offer your services.
You could help in the Thursday community cafe (or make a cake for it occasionally), you could help setting up and taking down weekend events or you can help with the many and varied maintenance issues that arise in this old, failing building.
So come and join us and get happy!
email: villagehallpenkhull@gmail.com or ring 07926 880370 and let's chat about what interests you.